Friday, November 23, 2007


Take a load of this pile of bullshit. Not another band of uneducated curebies. That call themselves "Scientists"

Getting the truth out. That may be the truth for that specific autistic and it's true some autistics can not speak for themselves. The thing is all Autistics are not helmet wearing retards. Oh I'm sorry "Special people" Even "Special" getting too derogatory. Retarded is used by doctors it was not originally a way to insult people with disabilities . So don't get me wrong when I say "retarded"
Yes it's sad I feel for this young woman. I hate the uneducated people who just say "Autism"
because her Autism is very low-functioning. They should have said that her Autism is low-functioning and people with LOW FUNCTIONING suffer. They just said autism Natur dawm jajajajajajajajajaj AUTISM. i wish people were educated and knew that Autism is a huge spectrum.

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