I want to light it on fire and trow it out the window!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SMASH.
Heres how my Anti-television thing starts:
I am very upset. I live a boring life. I want to move out to a house with some roommates one main rule in the house would be absolutely no Television. Who really gives a shit about the life of Gene Simons? Or who is going to be the next top model? We might not realize but it hit’s the back of our head really hard. Lets face it our lives are terrible because the media affects us all. My mom says “It’s junk TV! It’s not gonna hurt us!”
Actually it does it takes away our true selves and who we really are. I think you would find your true life if you threw away your Bell Express view box. We don’t have to live like the Amish. My parents say Television is great because it helps you relax. Wrong. It builds up stress it’s not pure relaxation. You are staring a bright screen that is affecting the neurons in your brain. Even the “Hum” noise is very effective.
A great way of relaxing is sitting outside in the summer dusk watching each star come out one by one until it’s pitch black, Reading a book (which is a very obvious alternative, Sorry about that.) I think it would be nice if my parents and I went down to Drummond park which is a five minute drive down the road. I would go swimming and let them sit together in those fold up beach chairs we have and they could sit alone and relax my parents could drink a nice wine. Also it will bring a lot of excitement to Holly (our dog) because she can play fetch and run around. Holly has been depressed lately. I have talked to elderly people at Greenwoods (The care home) and they have lived interesting lives. One told me he built a log cabin when he was young and showed me a photo album of his life…..It was very interesting and special. I thought. Wow. I’m young what “amazing” things do I do? I play video games, I go on the internet. I go to the shopping Mall. That just depresses me. I wish I could lead an interesting life. A house without a television set. Maybe a television with a VHS or DVD player to watch the occasional Sci-Fi stuff I like but not a television that is on 24/7 like at my house. The funny thing is the television keeps my parents sleeping and it keeps me awake at night, hearing one television downstairs on my dad’s surround sound stereo and the one across the hall in my mom’s room and my mom is cluster phobic so she has to have her door open. Even though the fact that it’s so loud and I have heard the same Mini Wheat’s commercial for the 11th time that hour.. If I go in her room to turn it off or even turn it down a notch she will wake up from her sleep telling me to turn it back on.
When she’s not at work her television is on all day long (even when she is not watching it she’s that lazy she works hard all day and takes care of about 50 families and is the manager of a Day Care and also has to deal with the misbehaving children .She likes the television on because she says it keeps her company. I tell her we have a stereo. She says it’s broken I tell her she can borrow my little one but she says my little one has bad sound. And I’m not going to drag my huge sound system out of my room. She comes in my room and complains that it stinks because I have my door closed all the time and because of my pet rat. Her room stinks of dog piss and shit cause of her little Yorkshire terrier puppy and her dog training pads she pee‘s on. I wish she would stop to think that the reason why I have my door closed is because the other household noises give me sensory overload. I close my door and it's still the noise is over welming. AND ALL VACCUME CLEANERS NEED TO BE EXECUTED. As well as kitchen sink taps, car horns, car motors, any loud automobile and any peice of man made shit that pisses of my over sensory problem
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